Misusing of prescribed or nonprescribed medicines, alcohol, drugs by few workers in the workplace is still existing due to addictions to the substances. It’s a complex problem for the workplace as well as homes he or she belongs. The substances may vary from person to person depending upon his / her exposure to it. In this blog we will discuss different concepts on substance misuses.
Misusing / Abusing of drugs means that intake of drugs for reasons other than medical reason, over drinking of alcohol, overdosing or illicit drugs such a way the drug affects the physical and mental functioning of the person.

Types of Drugs:

  • Narcotic Analgesics – Used as Pain Killer in Medical Industries

  • Cannabis – Marijuana, Ganja, Hashish, Mary Jane

  • Stimulants – Amphetamines, Methylphenidate, Atomoxetine, Modafinil, Armodafinil.

  • Depressants – Valium®, Xanax, Halcion, Ativan, Klonopin, and Restoril
  • Hallucinogens – LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide), Mescaline, Psilocybin, PCP (Phencyclidine), Cannabis, Ecstasy, Ketamine, Salvia
  • Volatile Solvents – Gases such as butane gas fumes or liquids, gasoline or paint, thinner etc.,
  • Muscle Relaxants – Baclofen, Carisoprodol, Methocarbamol, Tizanidine.

  • Analgesics – Aspirin, Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen
  • Anti-Histamines – Cetirizine, Desloratadine (Clarinex), Fexofenadine (Allegra,)
  • Anti-Emetics – Antagonists of dopamine, Serotonin, Neurokinin, Histamine and Acetylcholine

The Ways of Drugs Intake :

  • Ingestion (Through Mouth)
  • Inhalation (Breathing)
  • Smoking, Injection.

The misusing of drugs may affect the person such as short term, long term and withdrawal symptoms.

Short Term Symptoms Effects:

Reduced Tension, A relaxing effort, Slow Reaction Time, Reduced Coordination, Slow Brain Activities etc.,

Long Term Symptoms Effects:

Reduced Libido, Respiratory Impairment, Physical Deterioration, Mood Instability, in Female Menstrual Irregularity, Abnormal Fetal, Hepatitis and HIV among IV (Injection) users.

Withdrawal Symptoms Effects:

Sever Pain, Diarrhea, Dilation of Pupils, Insomnia, Hallucinations. (Nightmare)

General Symptoms at Workplaces:

Late attendance, Increased absenteeism, Poor work quality, Reduced output, Dishonesty, Theft, Mood swings, Poor relationships.

Symptoms in Child / Adult :

Poor attendance without any valid reason, Drop in school grades, Pre-occupation in class, sleepy unable to concentrate, Friendlessness and isolation or being withdrawn, Sudden temper and other emotional outbursts, Extreme fear about situations involving contact with parents, Presence of bruises quite often on the child’s body, Agitation, rebelliousness, Unable to comply with school regulations such as bringing in permission slips, materials for project, Nobody present during the parent– teacher meeting.

Impact in Workplaces:

Sensory impairment, Skewed Perception, Risky Behavior, Impaired Motor Control, Fatigue and Drowsiness & Poor Decision Making.

Impact on Family:

  • Suffers as financial resources are diverted for alcohol / drugs.
  • Loses self-esteem due to growing criticism and provocations.
  • Isolates from external contacts to protect itself from further embarrassment.

In their attempts to eliminate the problem, the family unknowingly enables the addict to continue with his inappropriate behavior.

  • Loss of Daily Structure
  • Lack of Personal Care
  • Indifference to Health Problems
  • Loss of Priorities in Life
  • Family may experience – Shame and Loneliness, Hopelessness, Fear, Hurt, Grief, Anger, Guilt

Impact on Children at addict’s home :

  • Lack of Care and Warmth
  • Lack of a Role Model
  • Loss of Self – Esteem
  • Difficulty with Intimate Relationships
  • Living in Constant Fear and Anxiety

Regulatory Requirement to Control Misuse:

Every state has very clear guidance to deal with misuse of substances. States & Organizations should be aware of the laws and regulations to implement. It’s the organization’s legal responsibility to adhere to the stipulated regulations.
To deal with the misuse of substance must be a holistic approach involving states, organizations, society, college of victims, family members & friends with different types of approaches.

In the organization:

  • Policy:- ‘Zero Tolerance’ Policy to be implanted by the organizations, i.e strictly no one should be allowed to work with influence of alcohol or drugs. And no one posses the Drugs and alcohol in the premises.
  • Drug Test: Suspected employee to be taken for Alcohol Test without compromising his social values.
  • Disciplinary Procedures: If someone found with influence of drugs / alcohol stern warning action should be taken against him or her like Suspension, Pay deduction, Warning Letters / Memo etc.,
  • Information: Organization should educate / communicate it’s on evil effect of misusing of drugs and consequences from it.
  • Training: Training to be given to the workers to tackle craving of substances and to the management to find suspected misusers of drugs in the workplace or person under influence of drugs.
  • Counseling: All workers must be counselled on negative effective of drugs and how to avoid and overcome if addicted. And how to support the person who is recovering / rehabilitating from addiction.
  • Medical Help: Person severely addicted should undergo to the rehabilitation care by professional people and organisation & family should support him to recover.

At Home:

  • To accept that addiction is a serious problem which requires professional help.
  • To calmly discuss addiction and related problems openly to stop protecting by covering up the consequences of drug / alcohol use.
  • Don’t feel or give the impression that the addict is doing a favor by not ‘using’.
  • Start communicating openly with the other family members about their concerns.
  • To plan one day at a time and start executing them. Let him start looking after their own needs and the needs of other family members.
  • Let him understand that he is not alone and that all our help is available.
  • Try To identify healthy leisure activities.


Substances misuse affects not only the person addicted, but also the organization he / she is working for, society he/she belongs to and especially his / her family members and college. By addressing the issues, the organization will prevent possible accidents, provide a pleasure environment to work thus will increase production and consequently organization will benefit financially. While the family understands the problem with misuse and how to tackle the issue will have a happy family & will progress in their lives.

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